
Since we have started our division unit, I wanted to provide an anchor chart that we created in class. The anchor chart below shows how to divide without regrouping using a place value chart. (you can click on the picture to enlarge it)


We are currently working on multiplication in the classroom. Multiplication facts are the foundation of many future units we will be covering over the next few months. We encourage you to practice with your child so these facts become second nature! Below are some awesome websites I found where they can practice online, which makes it a little more fun for the students!

Click the links below to take you to the websites.


Below is a resource that the students use in the classroom to help with multiplication. We encourage them to use these strategies at home to help with homework or for extra practice.

Tip: Give your child a multiplication problem (ex. 6x7) and challenge them to use a strategy from the chart. Next, have your child explain how they used the strategy to get their answer.


I noticed that some students and parents had questions about the Math in the homework packet. Below is a form that may help to better explain it for future reference. If your child is unsure about how to do the math, please encourage them to do their best and we can discuss it in class! We went over this on Friday as a class, so they should understand it better now!


Below are some sentence starters we encourage in the classroom. Please encourage this type of math talk at home too! This is a great way to question your child while they are completing their Math homework. Have your child teach YOU how to do the Math. This is also a great way for your child to learn without realizing it.


Below is our Math anchor chart we have in the classroom, I hope you find this helpful for terminology and working problems at home!


Our latest chapter in Math is subtraction with and without regrouping. Our next chapter is addition and subtraction with and without regrouping. I know it can be frustrating with the new Math, so below is a video I found that teaches how we do Math in Mrs. Simmons' classroom. The only difference is we encourage our students to put objects in the drawing in a "friendly five". That means they will line up all their hundreds with 5 in a row, their tens with 5 in a row and so on.

I hope this is a useful tool for you and helps you be able to help your child when it comes to Math!

Please click on or copy the link below and paste it in your browser.

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